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Program Erin Page 15

  "My name's Rod. What's your name?" He asked Sharon.

  She stared at the ground unflinchingly. No words, just terror.

  "Little girl..." Rod paused for a moment. "What's your name!?" He shouted suddenly in a deep and excessively aggressive voice.

  She cowered in fear and whispered in a terrified voice, "Sharon..."

  "Sharon!" Rod repeated, back in his light hearted and more innocent sounding voice. "That's a lovely name..."

  I rolled over laboriously to try to get back to my feet. As I did, I watched Rod suddenly push Sharon against the wall and hold her throat with one hand. An ember of anger burned past all of my pain. Rod began feeling Sharon over with his other hand starting at her neck, slowly working his way down. She just slowly leaked tears, accepting the inevitable.

  "Her skin is so soft. Her hair much do you think a girl like this is worth?"

  Fury drove me back to standing position, using the pool table for support. The sound of weapons being drawn and cocked broke the boss's concentration, and he noted that I was pouring my death glare and every sign of anger into him.

  "I don't care if my body goes into shock," I growled bitterly. "If you don't get your hands off of her, nobody in this room will live to see tomorrow..."

  Rod cocked his head to look at me inquisitively, though he shifted uncomfortably. He released Sharon from his grasp and approached me with slow but sure steps. "Look at you. You so....damaged. Honestly, you look like trash. So what make you think you can stand up to me?"

  "I'm a burn. And-"

  "And I'm an Owl. Lot of people think that just cause my power's that I can see better or smell better, that they can take me. But here I am, on top of the underground and still alive." He grabbed my throat, on an area that already had older existing burn wounds and shoved me down onto the pool table, putting his face in mine. Pain locked my entire body up, and the only thing I could focus on was not crying.

  The boss's face softened up. "But hey, let's not start off on bad terms. From what I hear, you like to beat down the 'Reds,' and that makes me like you a little." He released me before I summoned the willpower to scorch his hand off. "You need time to heal, yeah? Here let me see those wounds."

  He snapped his finger and sent two gangers to fetch some medical help. In the lull, I sat up and assessed everyone around me. Several grungy, rough looking gangers moved into the room and some of my escort guards left to go somewhere else, leaving a total of six gangers, beside the boss, me and Sharon. The new people had a duffle bag and got to work assessing my wounds, which involved cutting my clothes open and making me cold. The moment I tried to resist, I was held down and restrained. They also took my pack and began to examine the contents. My anger was growing at an alarming rate.

  Rod left me writhing in pain to examine Sharon again. "It's nice that you a girl Sapphire eyes." He peeked back at me and a smirk formed on him. "Even with all that damage, there's a certain appeal to you."

  The stinging medicines and bandages left me growling and cursing under my breath. They weren't using the right medicines! And I really want some sleep meds! One of the medics started feeling around to take my bra off and treat the underlying wounds. To his surprise, I found a way to snatch his hand (which involved a scorch to one of the medics holding me down) and grip a pressure point in his wrist with all my might. I uttered one word: "No..."

  "Such a feisty creature, So opposite of Sharon," Rod commented. He moved to stand over me as the medics worked on my injuries. "You know, we can treat you girls to some R and R...."

  That's it, my patience just gave out...

  In the blink of an eye, I burnt everyone in contact with me, reached into the pocket of one of the guard's coats and pulled his pistol. I nailed the medic at my feet with two bullets and put the gun to another's head, and with a snap of my fingers, a small fireball shot out and hit Rod's crotch area. With that, I grabbed the pool table and stood despite my body's protest. Rod screeched, jumped back, and frantically worked at brushing the fire off his ignited pants with another medic assisting him. Sharon shrieked and shrunk to ground.

  "I am sick of your voice. The next time I ask for something and you don't give me EXACTLY what I want, I will burn your male organs OFF!" I shouted defiantly. Without breaking my gaze on Rod, I swung the pistol around and shot a quietly approaching guard in the leg, then re-aimed at the medic that was holding my pack. Sharon was still against the wall, breathing to the point that I thought she might hyperventilate.

  "You, put everything back exactly where you found it, and give me back my pack."

  "You stupid lank! You think we gonna help you still?" One medic shouted.

  Swinging the pistol back around, I stuffed the barrel into Rod's nostril before he got too close. "What did I just tell you about not giving me exactly what I want?"

  Every guard in the room produced weapons and Sharon curled up in the corner and covered her head. As long as I held their boss in this situation, this scenario was a stalemate. I didn't think this one all the way through...

  How do I appeal to this guy? He's greedy, but I'm not offering either Sharon's or my body for his profit. However, he must have a lust for money, because he smokes. What could I offer him that could give him more money? I won't give up anything from my pack, and all of my skills are most likely something he doesn't want or need except my fighting experience. He already has a lot of fighters. Or does he?

  "Tell you what. Let me heal and I'll fight in the ring," I said.

  Rod's face turned to look at me from the side. "The ring? You want to fight in the ring?" Several guards chuckled.

  "Yes. That way I can heal, and it won't be a total loss for you to have met me. Besides, I won't lose."

  "Of course you won't lose! You're a-"

  "And I'll do it without using my power," I interrupted. "But I still won't lose."

  After lowering my weapon, the boss and his henchmen examined me to see how serious I was. One even uttered under his breath, "That'll never work..." A bigger, burlier guard that had escorted me in approached from behind and snatched the pistol away from me. He stood nearby, likely for security reasons.

  "So you come in here, threaten me, and shoot my guys, and I'm supposed to just let you have what you want?"

  "Are you suggesting that the allure of someone standing up against your fighters in the ring without using a power isn't going to increase your wealth? Or am I wrong to assume you don't take bets?" I retorted.

  The boss chuckled and stepped back. "Well, you are correct with the bets. And if you win....that would make me a fortune. But how do I know you won't just backstab us all once you heal?"

  "How do you know any of your fighters won't backstab you?"

  "Cause we got a level of trust and reputation built up," one of the nearby guards interjected.

  Glaring at the guard, I switched the angle of the conversation. "Let me put it this way. You know and admitted that I have attacked and killed Benevolents. I've entered and escaped their their facilities twice, I've evaded and destroyed their attempts to capture me three times, and once I even hunted some down and beat them for my own enjoyment. Do you really think I would backstab you? Because the fact of the matter is, if I wanted to harm or kill you, all of you would already be dead..."

  Two guards cleared their throats, one busted out laughing, and the rest fell silent. Rod looked me over, but didn't dare move. Appealing further, I added, "That makes sense to you, right boss?"

  Though I wanted to lock gazes with him, I kept my eyes closed so that Rod might feel a measure of false authority over me. The large man behind me grabbed my shoulders, which dropped me to my knees from the pain. I hurt so bad, I swore I could hear my own pain. On top of that, it was freezing in this room, especially when I'm just in my underclothes.

  "Two weeks. That's how long you get to heal. After that you'll fight, but if you lose....I get to do whatever I want with you, got it?" Rod said with firmness.

  The medics moved to t
ransport me to wherever their clinic was, and I heard Rod whisper something to the short guard about taking Sharon.

  "She's with me," I said before the pain from being handled stifled my voice.

  "That's not for you to decide."

  My anger boiled. I made a point to stamp out everyone in this room, but it would have to wait. "I said, she's stays with me."

  Rod spun around and approached. "She's my property! So unless you-"

  "I'll take her place," I interrupted. "You already own me as a fighter anyway. Once I win, she goes free."

  It was the best idea I could come up with at the moment. This way I would still get clinical help and plenty of rest. I would still get to beat Greaters. But what Rod didn't know was that despite our deal, I would also still go free, regardless of who tried to stop me.

  Rod smiled an evil, twisted smile. "Deal. The prize is more valuable this way anyhow. Take your child and run along to the clinic. You're fighting in two weeks no matter how injured you still are. Now get out of my office."

  We turned to leave, but before we moved away, Rod snapped his fingers and returned to standing before me.

  “Since I own you now…” Unexpectedly, he raised his hand and backhanded me. It pushed me back into fury. My combat reflexes left me holding Rod's arm and poised to strike, but I held back. I knew this was a tricky situation, and I didn't want to ruin my opportunity.

  “Good girl. Don't ever threaten me again.” With a wave of his hand, Rod finally dismissed us.

  The guards transferred us roughly, but even with the pain, the cold, and the anger, I still felt a satisfied smirk creep on me. The idiots have no idea who they just let into their hub…

  * * *

  "'re in even more pain," fake Arty noted.

  "You must be the stupid part of my brain because even idiots can see I'm in pain," I retorted. Where was I now? Perhaps one of the streets I slept out in after I had escaped? I don't recognize this area too much. Either way, I crawled out of the pile of bubble wrap that had overflowed out of a trash can. Fake Arty was sitting on the rungs of the nearest fire escape ladder.

  "Who are THEY?"

  Rubbing my temples, I replied without giving it much thought. "What are you saying?"

  "In your dreams, sometimes you talk about THEY. Who are THEY?"

  I scoffed at his question. "Don't you know anything?"

  "I know some. Maybe I'm simply someone you can talk to."

  "Ha! I don't need anyone."

  "Erin...don't say that. You know that's not true."

  I glared at the Fake, who seemed to be pleading with his own eyes to listen to him. "It's not a strength on anyone's part to not need people" he added.

  Interestingly, it was I that broke the gaze. Once I did, my mind registered what happened. I never break eye contact with people, why did I do it just now?

  A cold breeze was in the air, reminding me of just how thin the clothes were that I was wearing in my dream. A warm blanket wrapped around me, and for a split second I accepted the heat source without questioning it. The analytical part of my brain snapped to attention however, and I threw the blanket off and shoved Fake Arty away before he could do anything touchy feely.

  "Hey, you're a snuggler! Did you know that?" He said with a chuckle.

  "I don't care what I do when I'm asleep! Leave me alone!" I shouted. Some passersby eyed me curiously.

  "Erin please don't be angry."

  He held up his hands to acknowledge that he knew what I was going to say when I drew a breath in to yell at him. For a moment, we sat in silence, but he found something to talk about. "'s Sharon?"

  "Does it matter?"

  "In a way. You said you didn't care, but did you see how you protected her today?"

  "I didn't protect anyone."

  "Erin, I'm going to touch your head. Is that ok?"

  I cocked my head to look at him as if he was insane. "No it's not ok!" I shouted.

  Nonetheless, he approached cautiously. "Erin, please? I know this may seem weird, but it’s so I can show you something."

  "Absolutely not! Stay away you *cuss!*"

  "Don't cuss. You know, if I was going to force this on you, I could. But I want this to be your choice, you know?"

  "I said, stay away from me!" I growled while backing up.

  Fake Arty paused in his steps, but held out a hand. "Please?..."

  I glowered at him and watched as he approached, but he stopped once we were within arms reach. "I'm just going to touch you with one hand, I won't do anything else, I promise."

  With that, he gently extended his hand toward me. I wanted to snap it off of him, but his gentle approach kept any irritation from rising in me. As soon as his hand gently cradled the side of my head, a memory flashed across my mind. It was a flashback of seeing Rod feeling Sharon. My anger heated up inside me, but at that moment Fake Arty stopped touching me.

  "See? You were angry. You protected her. Oh, you're going to wake up soon."

  "That wasn't protecting!" I denied.

  "You know what I'm about to ask, don't you?" He replied with a smirk.

  I did. The question came to me as I denied his statement. If it wasn't protection, what WAS it? Irritation simmered in me but I wasn't even sure why. Perhaps it was me getting proven wrong, but it might have been coupled with the fact that I'm getting soft.

  "*cuss*" I uttered quietly at realizing I was caught by Fake Arty.

  "It's alright. And don't cuss," he said with that stupid smile on his face.

  "You're not my parent!" I yelled, suddenly angry all over again.

  "I know, but it's not becoming for someone as outstanding as you."

  Acknowledging the comment with a snort, I grabbed the blanket and pulled it back over my chilled body. Fake Arty ceased talking so I could digest my thoughts. We both sat in silence until it was time for me to wake up.

  The medics had left me in a bed, one of many separated only by curtains, to recuperate. No matter how many times I told them, they did not listen to my medical expertise and treated my injuries as if I were any other person, so when I awoke, it was to pain. The nightmarish voices followed me to my bed, so as soon as I could, I had gotten my fix of sedatives to sooth myself to sleep. Now I felt groggy, irritated, and injured.

  Sharon was sitting to the right of my head in a small chair, her eyes locked on the opening of the curtains. She looked exhausted, but every time any noise sounded off close by, she perked up and watched for signs of danger. The memory of my dream reformed itself in my head upon seeing the fearful girl next to me. Was I protecting her? Is that how Sharon sees me, as a protector? I hate being proven wrong...

  She heard me swallow dryly and her eyes shifted from the curtains to me. She seemed comfortable enough to look me in the face, but then I noticed that my body was tired, meaning my own eyes were missing a portion of the power and anger they usually had. If it wasn't for that, Sharon would be staring at the floor by now.

  Sharon snapped to attention as a woman walked through the curtain unannounced, carrying a plastic bag full of clothes. "Oh, about time you're awake. We took the liberty of washing your clothes, seeing as you smelled like trash and blood."

  As soon as the words left her mouth, I became aware that all I was wearing was a hospital gown and any bandages the medics left me with. When did that happen? Annoyance entered my system.

  "Is every person in this city a *cuss?*" I asked in a weak voice. Whatever they did to me left me drained.

  The woman scowled and tossed the clothes through the air, where they ended up landing on the lower edge of my abdominal burn. As she left the room, her snide reply came back. "Yep. That includes you too..."

  After I stifled the low level pain that coursed through me from the sack, I found the strength to sit up. Looking over at the little girl next to me, I asked, "What's your deal?"

  Sharon let her eyes fall to the ground. As always, she stayed silent.

  "Get me some water." I ordered,
though the words came out weak.

  She got up and searched around until she found a cup and poured some water from a pitcher in it. As I began to drink, the child finally spoke.

  "I don't like this place..."

  After finishing my cup, I handed back to her for a refill. "Why not?"

  "It's scary..."

  That makes sense. Gangers are already bad enough, but give them superpowers and that's enough to trouble any normal person. And unfortunately for them, these gangers haven't figured out to respect me yet. What's the name of this gang anyway? And how long have I been asleep?

  Music was still blaring in the background, but it was from a distance. Guess they had the courtesy not to install speakers in the med. This place smelled like the tunnels, but with the added smells of sweat, food, and a clinic. Every once in awhile, I also heard the rise of a crowd and the blare of a horn, both telltale signs of an active ring fight. Soon I would dominate the ring. I get to heal, beat down worthless people, and gather intel, all in the same area.


  Before I became too absorbed in my thoughts, I went ahead and responded. "What Sharon?"

  "...I don't have anywhere to sleep."

  Ah, the ironic nostalgia. I found it marginally annoying...

  Mustering the strength to scoot over, my response was to lift a corner of the blankets and add the statement, "Find your own pillow."

  I spent a lot of time going through my pack. Sharon eventually fell asleep next to me which proved to be a relief against the cool air. I didn't put on my old clothes immediately, as I figured my caretakers would come and pull them off whenever they felt the need to treat my wounds. Random people would come and go out of my makeshift medical bay throughout the day. Very few of them appeared to have any reason to stop by, leading me to believe that they just wanted to see who I was. The lunch they brought was minimal, bread and some kind of stew, but the food related scents wafting into the room didn't match up with my meal. Were they holding out on me?

  After going through my pack, I found out that my tracker had been left on this entire time. What if someone else had been tracking this signal? What if that's how the Benevolents found me at the school? It was possible, but unlikely. Because of being left on this whole time, the battery power was nearing zero, so I turned it off in case I might need it someday. If only I had a charger. If only I had my ship...